I enjoy working with clients from diverse backgrounds addressing clinical, developmental, and personal growth related concerns such as mood disorders (depression, bipolar), anxiety, OCD, substance use disorders, porn and sex addiction, chronic/terminal illness, grief and loss, trauma (PTSD), adjustment disorders, life transition difficulties (divorce, bereavement, relocation, career change, retirement), and relationship/sexual problems (gay and straight).
I provide psychological assessment services and evaluations for psychopathology, adult ADHD, and screening for neuropsychological (brain-related) dysfunction. I also offer consultation services assisting individuals or groups address problems regarding the psychological aspects of their work or performance. Currently, my therapy practice is limited to adult individuals and couples.
As a therapist, I have areas of special clinical interest and expertise that have been shaped and informed by my personal life experiences. I find it deeply rewarding serving as an instrument of change in the lives of people who are searching, feel lost or stuck, and ready to take a different direction in their lives, helping alleviate suffering in those struggling from debilitating anxiety or depression, providing care for bereaved and grieving clients, with special sensitivity for those who have lost an animal companion, for those suffering from chronic or terminal illness and their caregivers, helping LGBTQ clients with the particular challenges they face, working with men from young adulthood to late maturity on issues unique to the place they are at in their lives, and helping men and women heal from psychic trauma or physical, emotional or sexual abuse.
- Individual Therapy
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Logotherapy, or Meaning-Centered Therapy
- Therapy for Depression
- Therapy for Anxiety
- Couples Counseling
- Therapy for Trauma
- Grief and Bereavement Counseling
- LGBTQIA+ Individual Therapy
- Personal Addiction Therapy
- Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder
- Sex Therapy
Clinical Specialties
- Depression/Mood Disorders
- Anxiety
- Compulsive/Addictive Behaviors
- Trauma/PTSD
- Grief/Loss
- Chronic/Terminal Illness
- Relationship/Sexual Problems (Gay and Straight)
- LGBTQ Issues
- Men’s Issues Across the Lifespan
- Life Transitions (Divorce, Bereavement, Career Change)